Da movie not as coVINCIng as the book

After much controversy, The Da Vinci Code hit the screens last week. And as expected the rush for the film during the weekend was as good as the sale of the book. I got a ticket too - through unfair means - and was quite excited. I had read the book and was as excited as anyone would be to see the film. And there I was, with my Girlfriend, amidst the huge crowd waiting for the gates to open and the show to start. While waiting there i saw the poster of the film and neatly on it was pasted an encircled A. Well, A? ok. Variations from the book were visible right from the start. As the movie progressed I found my girlfriend not being able to follow. Quite irritating when someone disturbs me while watching a film. I was finding it quite good as i could relate everything to the book. i had imagined while reading and now i could see it on screen. How exciting! I didnt find it 'the let down' it was supposed to be. There were new elements towards the end though. But a movie needs aome sort of ending, different from a book. I went home and it was only then, while thinking about the whole film that I realised that the script had jumped over some details which made it difficult for my companion to follow. I understood that the film was indeed not what the book was. For someone who hadn't read The Da Vinci Code, the film may as well turn out to be quite cold. One more thing that i noticed was the full screen note -about it being a work of fiction etc.- before and after the movie. So much for India!


  1. looking efforeward to tutte le due mounting in tandem whoaa giddy ammerous inte you une uuhhhhhh and tan humping, huffing, puffing, finiendo too too no backupea ntended


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