The seven 'sur's left out again!

I was quite excited yesterday prior to a press conference which was to launch the remake of the legendary DD song Mile Sur Mera Tumhara Sur. This one is called Phir Mile Sur. And what is recommendable is that a private channel decided to make this rather any efforts from DD. But then all expectations turned waste as I along with some other fellow media personnel were made to witness the song for the first time, outside people who were associated with the making. This one turned out to be nothing more than a grand PR campaign for that channel and the telecom company involved in the name of showcasing national spirit.

I am so mighty disappointed that I donā€™t even want to give them a little credit publicity in my blog. And trust me I have every reason to be upset. In my humble opinion, this song not only brings shame to the old one but also makes a fun of national integration. It ends up being nothing but a celebration of film stardom. As a friend remarked, ā€œThe video did to the song what al the DJ dolls do to our golden oldies!ā€

And being from the North East of India I have more reasons to complain. I fail to accept that some 15-minute long song about the Indian spirit failed to give more than a few seconds to the seven states of the North East. A couple of fleeting visual of Mary Kom and one line from a terrible shot Bhupen Hazarika is certainly not the best way to show this important part of India. I consider it nothing less than an insult. I would have never found it as appalling if I didnā€™t see most other states given such prominence.

Whatā€™s worse is this song is aired proudly on some channels on a day we call our Republic Day ā€“ the 60th anniversary of the day when we turned republic, with a complete constitution. A day we are supposed to remember our nationā€™s achievements and stand in unity. Wonder why then, do I feel still left out of what we call the mainland India. Are you really considered Indians as yet? Many of my friends say North East is very much a part of India as much as any other state. But I still wonder if this is just them or do every one else think the same way. I hope they doā€¦ because we celebrate every spirit of India ā€“ be it cricket, Bollywood or the national holidays.

Another friend tries to correct me. ā€œItā€™s not jus the North East. It has very little to with the Indianness at all... The video has 90% only of Indian actors... Itā€™s sad to know that only the cinema industry represent us (INDIANS)... There was so much expectation I had from the video but was let down with most of it... I felt there was nothing in the video which showcased the entire INDIA, which also includes REGIONAL,ā€ says this guy from Tami Nadu. Well my dear friend, without meaning any disrespect, at least you had each state represented from down south!

Somehow this reminds me of an incident that happened to a friend of mine while we were studying in Bangalore. A traffic police stopped his bike and asked for his license. When he was shown the license the officer asked back ā€œThis is Assam license. Show me Indian licenseā€.

There is a definite anger. A frustration!

Interestingly today being January 26, there are all these films, with some patriotic bent, being played on TV. Bose the Forgotten Hero, Gandhi, Mountbatten the last Viceroy of India, Lage Raho Munnabhaiā€¦ Strangely this also makes me wonder why has never been a film made on any heroes from the NE. Worse, while we study about everything for Chalukyas to Vijayanagar to Mughals to Pritviraj Chauhan to Shivaji, none outside has ever read a chapter on Lachit Borphukan or Ahoms or other kingdoms from the NE.

As I watch Gandhiā€¦ I feel an urgeā€¦ an urge to create tell people that we exist. I was never a great fan of Gandhi let me tell you. He gave to Indians the idea of ā€˜bandhsā€™ as a form of protest after all. But there were certain things that are inspirational about him, even on this date.

Gandhi said ā€“ ā€œtreat us equalā€.  I ask for the same! And I call my friends to tell everyone they know the same. Letā€™s turn some heads. And next time attempts like Phir Mile Sur are made they donā€™t miss out on these seven states ā€“ whatā€™s good a rainbow with the seven colours?


  1. brilliantly put. I m disappointed with the song's remake too. "phir" seems to have taken on ironic overtones of making the same mistakes all over again - this time in more stark terms be it the presentation, shot frames or time of visibility given to the diff faces of India. Yes be it regional or otherwise.

  2. u captured it. if the old one, although a classic in it's own right, insufficiently represented the north-east this absolutely neglected it. not that i care much about being part of such a effort, it's really a shame though to be watching it. i won't be surprised if it's taken off air soon!!

  3. taken off air??
    who is playing it anyways? apart from zoom themselves...
    you cant have so much of free crap in tv when every second makes money

  4. why dont u complain about it to the ASCII guys...they will definitely help you on this...

  5. i am not aware of this...
    could you breif?

  6. You are aboslutely right. I was also thinking of the same thing (not representing NE properly) after watching it on Youtube.

    Also almost 12 to 14 minutes (total 16 mins) of this has film actors/actresses and none from Cricket. I think cricket is one of the best things thats actually helping in national integration.

    I think Zoom channel should publicly appologize to the people of North East.

  7. thanks harsha..
    now let's hope they hear this

  8. you are over reacting.

    Can u please react on the fact that people are not getting food to survive all around d world. education to earn a livelyhood and health benefits for their children.

    stop disecting cities states countries. Their isnt much difference between you and them then

    or between raj thackery and you.

    fight for basic rights for ppl of NE, noit for 30 secs in some video

  9. @i feel its fair to argue about the this videos lackings, state-wise, (even tho i accept that basic rights is a much bigger and necessary fight) I think being (almost) completely cut out of this 15 min vid, is evident of how much credit/respect/rights are given to NE (or any other un-mentioned state)...our media masters value those states that THEY think are valuable to the "image" of our nation...hare bhare khet, beautiful actresses, and quaint, quasi-colonial projections of "indian-ness"....
    honestly, i am myself quite unaware of which major leader/party from the NE fought for our independance or is a major player in the fight for rights...thanks Noyon for opening my eyes that little bit for now....but thats exactly the point isnt it...why the majority are as blinded as this

  10. Thanks Bibash... for answer Ankita. there could not have been a better reply!

    The fight is for a better india. India will never be complete if there is no respect... respect for all people, all states...

  11. I just saw the song on Youtube and I think it's the funniest video I've seen in a long time :P Salman and Aamir proving their humanity by hobnobbing with those kids and Shahid miming a rockstar. And imagine Shilpa Shetty and Deepika featuring in a tribute to the nation LOL!
    I think it's better NOT to be featured on a video like this :P
    P.S.: Noyon I love this new three column template - I want it too :D

  12. This type of disrespect always happens with NE. I was quite surprised to see deepika in this VDO. I would have been glad to see his dad featuring in the VDO instead of her. And most interestingly there are many intellectuals like Jahnu Barua or Jyoti prasad Agarwala of International fame. Look at shahid Kapoor.....Does he deserve this????

  13. As already pointed out... this one was filmy mess...
    Its about what is right and what's wrong that i am raisinng my voice for

  14. Rightly said Noyon... totally agreed!!! The biggest shock for me was when i went to bombay for the 1st time, people even asked me is guwahati in India.... how much more will the region be neglected... talking about the video, it was a disgrace to india being a united country, where the makers only thought that bollywood is the only source of unity!!!! bad choice to publicly release on an important day!!!

  15. your last line is a highlight tonmoy. bad day...

  16. very nicely put and frankly i don't know much about NE apart from the states' names and their capitals (of course a lot of tea and beautiful landscape! - I have heard). I haven't watched the video yet as I have been hearing very harsh reviews of it and don't want to spoil my childhood memory (a little vague) of the melodious and beautiful 'mile sur, the classic'. Shame it's full of just movie stars and that too not from all parts of India.

    @Anonymous: true, deepika's dad wuda suited it better.

  17. @ujwala
    Thanks! more support from people makes this possible.

  18. Hey Noyon

    Taking up from jags_1129 said, the ASCI is the advertising standards council of india. I dont know if this video will fall under the advertisement category but there should be some complaints made against it... doesnt really matter with which council and at what platform...

    And also if you're complaining to anyone please also ask them since when did the Bachchan clan become the face of India. Ughhhhhhhh! Slap them all I say!

    The council details come quite frequently on TV. Look out for it.


  19. hmmmmm.... Thanks Shalini!
    will check on that!


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